Winter 2022 Update from Aileen’s: Accomplishments & Celebration

We can’t believe that it’s almost December, but 2022 has been an amazing year of expansion and transition here at Aileen’s. Here are some highlights from the last six months or so:

  • We moved into a new and larger space and made it gorgeous! Everyone loves how warm and cozy our new space is. We are planning to start drop-in hours in January–for the first time since COVID forced us to shut down.
  • We held an open house at the new location in September and it was a success! Thank you to those of you who attended!
  • We recruited and started our new Peer Leadership Cohort! With members of our initial cohort that started in 2019 in the paid staff position now, we are expanding to involve more peers in the leadership roles within the organization.
  • We made our very first film, WE ARE AILEENS. It is a film featuring our people discussing our namesake, Aileen Wuronos, and how we experienced “bad dates” and are supporting each other. Join our screenings in Portland and south King County in December!
  • We did voter registration during outreach throughout October. We registered more than 50 people who are homeless, drug users, or with criminal records—folks who are often discussed in political campaigns as the problem to be dealt with or eradicated and not usually listened to. On the day of the election, we hosted “Vote for Hope” non-partisan BBQ party across the street from the polling place to encourage people without mailing address to vote in-person.
  • With our expansion and upcoming changes, here are our needs right now:

  • Donation of stuff! We especially need warm clothes including coats, gloves, hand/leg warmers, etc. as well as blankets, sleeping bags, and other stuff people need during rainy winter. We also need other cute and clean clothes for women.
  • Volunteers! As we re-start drop-in hospitality spaces, we’ll need extra help Friday evenings for hospitality space and outreach. We also need help preparing for outreach on Thursdays. If you are available on some other days, do let us know so we can discuss how you can help us do things like organizing fundraisers, doing skillshares, etc.
  • Also, we always appreciate financial support! Please donate on GoFundMe at and/or make a monthly pledge on Patreon.

Thank you and we hope to see you at our film screening in December!

Aileen’s Success List
Peer Designed Shirts at Aileen’s Open House
Aileen’s Vote for Hope BBQ

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